This week was about the same as last week with the addition of a few extra greens. I swapped out some of the eggplant for tat tsoi, an asian green to go with our bok choi. It's hidden behind it in the picture. Along with that we got arugula, okra, a butternut squash, onions, zucchini, eggplant yellow squash, some small tomatoes, green onions, peppers . sweet potatoes and basil.
At the market I had also picked up a bunch of squash blossoms. The first night I've learned to use up the veggies that don't hold up very long. We had a veggie meal of eggplant parmesan, sauteed summer squash with tomatoes and red onion and cheese stuffed fried squash blossoms. The eggplant was actually edible fixed this way and the kids love sauteed squash. The fried flowers were interesting but a bit too much work to become regulars.
Last night we used all the peppers up in our favorite cheese stuffed peppers and I made a big batch of butternut squash penne to go with it. This used up the two butternuts from last week along with this weeks, the tops anyway. I saved the bottoms to hollow out and bake with brown sugar/maple syrup as side dish later this week. Also used most of the basil in these two dishes as well.
Tonight we're having asian so I'm going to make some teryaki beef to go with the bok choi/tat tsoi sauteed in a little oil and garlic. We'll have this with some steamed rice.
That leaves just the sweet potatoes and a few onions left. I'll be making some pork chops on Tuesday and will have the sweet potatoes sauteed with apples and onions and the leftover butternut bottoms. Monday we'll eat out as we have Leander's festival of bands to attend.
Wed has been deemed official Brooke's spaghetti night so that she can cook while I go to the market for next weeks haul.